We offer both syndicated and custom studies. Our syndicated studies focus on media and its consumption. We target specific audiences with our syndicated such as Opinion Leaders, Financial Advisors and Cable Operators and Subscribers. Our syndicated studies help us understand the nuances of these markets that we then apply when conducting custom research projects.
Our Cable Network Studies have been the gold standard of critical information for cable networks, MVPD’s and advertisers for over 30 years.
The Financial Advisor Media Outlook and Usage Study provides deep insights into how professional financial advisors use media and view investment products.
The Opinion Leader Syndicated Studies measure both professional and personal engagement in a wide range of emerging and enduring issues that impact contemporary business and society as well as the media consumed by these leaders.

Our team has been conducting custom research for over 30 years. We know how to define what you are looking for and design a study to meet your needs. Whether you prefer online surveys, mail surveys, or a combination of both, we know how to get it done.
Erdos Media Research has compiled and maintains a proprietary database of financial advisors based upon SEC records. This proprietary database is designed to provide a comprehensive view of the retail investor advisor universe in the US. For the investor advisors we use a comprehensive sample of Financial Advisors (FAs), insurance broker/dealers, accounting firm advisors, financial consulting firm advisors and bank/credit union/trust company advisors. The Erdos Media Research financial advisor database has approximately 2,000 FAs that have opted-in to participate in future custom market research studies.
We design and execute custom studies:
• Advertising
• Concept Testing
• Editorial
• Subscriber
• Tracking
• Brand/Corporate Image
• Public Perception
• Customer Awareness
• Customer Satisfaction
• Product Development
• Product Development
• Price Sensitivity
• Uniquely Yours