Media Market Research

Media market research is the dominant focus of Erdos Media Research.

We know how to define what you are looking for and design a media market research study to meet your needs. Methodologies most often used include online and mail for quantitative studies, as well as focus groups and one-on-one interviews virtually or in-person. 

Market Research Process

We design and conduct media market research studies that are used by the sales and marketing teams of our clients to help generate revenue for their company. Our clients’ editorial teams use our studies to identify the needs and wants of their readers, viewers, and subscribers. We help to ensure that the editorial team delivers the most sought after content in the most desirable format.  

We provide advertising agencies the ability to gain insights via focus groups and In-depth Interviews prior to the launch of a campaign. EMR also can track the success of the campaign by measuring its impact.

Erdos Media Research has a specific audience focus for most of the advertising research and subscriber/readership studies we conduct. We concentrate on Financial Advisor market research, Opinion Leader market research, Senior Level Executive/C-Suite market research, Influencer market research and High Net Worth Individual (HNWI) market research.

Upon the competition of the field work, Erdos Media Research works with you in order to provide data in the format you prefer. Most clients request an analysis and a report of the findings. Other clients prefer to do their own analysis and prepare their own report. Whatever your preference, Erdos Media Research can help.